Farm Balcony (English version)

Farm Balcony shows the discoveries of a urban farmer that left the virtual farms of Farmville and pretends to be self-sufficient at least in one or two meals…  
What is the blog  Farm Balcony?
Farm Balcony is a project of an urban vegetable-garden located on my second floor balconies. After hours playing Farmville and rapidly coming to the conclusion that the purpose of spending time growing virtual cabbages and lettuces was not my cup of tea. After passing my eyes through the Web I found lots of balcony vegetable-gardens and I was astonished with what is possible to grow on our own in such a narrow space. Frustrated for not having my own garden, my vegetable garden near me, I transformed my balconies into an ambitious project of a Farm Balcony. I´m not a specialist in gardening or horticulture but I’m going to try to make a record of the victories and the losses of my mini- horticultural productions.
Gardening and Horticulture on a balcony are not elitist hobbies where people compete for the best results, to obtain awards or overcome different levels of difficulty. It’s more a healing,  anti-stress and Zen hobby.
It’s a passion that lots of people are persuaded not to have, by lack of space, by lack of time or by lack of Town Hall organization that are not capable of converting fallow lands into vegetable-gardens for the community.
Following this blog is learning with someone that is also learning but is not afraid of showing it and has the courage to try. Here you can watch the progress of my ‘farm’ and find other related sites.

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